Ascend Collection is a local menswear company offering custom clothing in Durham, North Carolina. We offer custom suits, sportcoats, formal wear, shirts, casual jackets, and more. With our precision to detail and our love for menswear and style, we are bound to offer custom clothing specific to every scenario and need. Schedule a free consultation with us today!

Welcome to Ascend Collection

Cameron is the owner and designer of Ascend Collection born in the Seattle area and now based in Durham, NC for the past 5 years. Growing up wearing a suit on Sundays to church wasn’t just something I did but something I ended up falling in love with. There’s a confidence that comes with wearing a suit, a collared dress shirt, and a beautiful tie that you just can't beat. Being 6’ 3” I quickly struggled to find off-the-rack suiting that fit me.

Custom clothing gives you that perfect balance between the perfect fit and finding something unique to yourself. With a love for menswear and precision to perfect every detail within a garment, I decided to do what I love and start the Ascend Collection.

About Ascend Collection’s Owner

Ascend Collection began in 2021 with a dream. Cameron Luke, Ascend Collections owner, wanted to spread his love for menswear by offering tailored custom clothing such as suiting and shirting to everybody.

At Ascend Collection we believe in offering traditional menswear with a twist. We build off of a traditional English garment while being inspired by the effortless and unstructured flare of an Italian garment. With minimal to no shoulder padding, larger lapels, and a tailored fit, the Ascend Collection offers a comfortable garment that is enjoyable to wear in all scenarios!

The Ascend Collection style is classically primarily constructed by hand, a full-canvased jacket, a silhouette that is visually flattering, complemented by a soft shoulder, and trousers with a high rise, this combination makes a garment with a beautiful drape.

Ascend Collection offers a variety of customizations for each and every garment. With our suits, you might prefer a wide peak lapel that gives you that old-school flare, or possibly a large spread collar on one of our beautiful shirts. With Ascend Collection we are bound to offer an option that fits your individual style. We take pride in our fit, taking a precise look at nailing in every detail to make sure the perfect fit is achieved. Here at Ascend Collection, you’ll receive a garment that will be timeless and will last for years to come.

Our Vision

Schedule a Fitting

Our stylist will walk you through every step of the process to ensure you get the garment you want, with no surprises.